
Investing in China Made Simple

fDi (, the bi-monthly FDI (foreign direct investment) title of the Financial Times Group in London, is writing a special China report. As China becomes a focus for many of the world's leading investors, fDi is going to do a piece on the PPRD (Pan Pearl River Delta) for its readers. This series of reports will go under the generic banner of: "Investing in China made simple". Given the shear size of China and the powerhouse that it is, we work it as follows.

April/May 2005 - Pan Pearl River Delta report (incl. HK, Macao).
June/July 2005 - Yangtze River Delta report (Shanghai, Suzhou, Nanjing, Wuxi etc)
August/September 2005 - Bohai Bay report (Tangshan, Tianjin, Dalian, Beijing etc)
October/November 2005 - Western China report (Western Cities etc)
December/January 2005 - Central China report (Wuhan - Chengdu etc)

They will each have a general overview to the region (what is happening, what developments there have been over the past 2-3 years, the vision as to how the region will develop its economy going forward). It will then look into the investment environment, the key investment hotspots, the regulatory framework, the critical location criteria. We will also interview the Mayors of the major Cities in the respective region. Finally, we will interview heads of foreign investors in the region and get their experiences of investing there (what the benefits have been, why they chose that region etc).

These reports will create a massive amount of noise in the international business community. We know from our readership research that more than 45% of our readers are keen to be educated on the investment opportunities in China.

中旅广告是英国《金融时报》集团旗下的《FDI》杂志中国全权代表, 如需转载,请注明出处,欲知更多英国《FDI》杂志的其他新闻和相关活动,请联系我们。

If you need further information about the above please feel free to contact us.